Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I almost let the entire day go by without wishing a hearty happy birthday to Kevin Federline. He turns 28 today, and I only hope than when I hit 28 I will have accomplished half of what he has; meaning I hope I will have several children, a closet full of wife beaters, cargo shorts, and tube socks, and a butt load of expensive shit my sugar daddy buys for me, takes back when we fight, and gives back to me after we make up. So, anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY K-FED!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Good news, bad news

Good news, K-Fed Fans!! Our favorite up and coming rap star is "toiling feverishly" on his new album, according to his publicist, and we will all have a chance to wait in line to buy his debut album by early summer!! Even more exciting - his video (presumably for the club hit and booty shaker PopoZao) is shooting soon and if you're lucky enough, K-Fed might come to your town and perform at your favorite club.

I have some bad news to report as well - Kevin's signature mane is a thing of the past. He chopped off 10 inches of his hair and gave it to Locks of Love so some kid with cancer can have lovely corn rows too. A moment of silence for Kevin Federline's hair.