Saturday, February 04, 2006

Kevin Federline's Fader Magazine interview

I've been meaning to post this for a couple of days, but didn't have time to until now. I apologize for temporarily confusing my priorities. So, this link will take you to a wonderful place - three audio clips of Fader's recent interview with our man himself, Kevin Federline. I don't know why you wouldn't listen to all the clips yourself, but in case you can't, I'll tell you about some of the highlights.

He fulfilled his music magazine interview obligation of talking about his musical influences: a lot of locals like Digital Underground, and Too $hort, and gangster rappers like NWA.

Apparently he is currently studying the art of really being a rapper not just, you know, "Dodododo-dododo, cool. Yeah you can do that. You're flip is great, cool, but can you make a song?" He thinks his likely second single, which samples Journey, is going to be hot. ("That Journey shit is hot! Fuck!") Dude, no shit. K-Fed sampling Journey could be nothing but, uh, fire.

On his album you'll hear fucking club hits and booty shakers, and you'll also hear a little bit about his life before becoming a celebirty and how he feels about the "fucking media talking about shit they know nothing about."

Kevin Federline further demonstrated he knows nothing about rap music by stating one of his favorite albums of last year was the Black Eyed Peas' album. Fucking Fergie watered down BEP was one of this motherfucker's favorite albums of the year. He ended the interview by calling himself "the fucking rookie all star of the year."

Ok, so if you don't want to listen to these clips by now, I just don't know what else I can do to convince you. Kevin Federline thinks he is hottest shit since sliced bread and he fully believes in his musical talent - no his musical genius, despite the fact that every single review of his first single was not only bad, but mocking. I guess he thinks that's just the haters.

Anyway, I can't, for the life of me, figure out why he'd agree to do an interview with, of all magazines, Fader, which obviously would have no problem using the interview for the sole purpose of publicly ridiculing him. I don't understand it, but I accept it.

[Fader Blog]


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