Monday, April 10, 2006

Playing with fire

Kevin Federline's new album will be called Playing With Fire, and will be released in August (probably because it's hot in August). The inspiration behind the name of his album is simple, according to a statement K-Fed recently released: "The inspiration and meaning behind the title … is self explanatory, (because) my album is sure to set the dance floors across the world on fire!"


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I almost let the entire day go by without wishing a hearty happy birthday to Kevin Federline. He turns 28 today, and I only hope than when I hit 28 I will have accomplished half of what he has; meaning I hope I will have several children, a closet full of wife beaters, cargo shorts, and tube socks, and a butt load of expensive shit my sugar daddy buys for me, takes back when we fight, and gives back to me after we make up. So, anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY K-FED!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Good news, bad news

Good news, K-Fed Fans!! Our favorite up and coming rap star is "toiling feverishly" on his new album, according to his publicist, and we will all have a chance to wait in line to buy his debut album by early summer!! Even more exciting - his video (presumably for the club hit and booty shaker PopoZao) is shooting soon and if you're lucky enough, K-Fed might come to your town and perform at your favorite club.

I have some bad news to report as well - Kevin's signature mane is a thing of the past. He chopped off 10 inches of his hair and gave it to Locks of Love so some kid with cancer can have lovely corn rows too. A moment of silence for Kevin Federline's hair.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Kevin Federline's Fader Magazine interview

I've been meaning to post this for a couple of days, but didn't have time to until now. I apologize for temporarily confusing my priorities. So, this link will take you to a wonderful place - three audio clips of Fader's recent interview with our man himself, Kevin Federline. I don't know why you wouldn't listen to all the clips yourself, but in case you can't, I'll tell you about some of the highlights.

He fulfilled his music magazine interview obligation of talking about his musical influences: a lot of locals like Digital Underground, and Too $hort, and gangster rappers like NWA.

Apparently he is currently studying the art of really being a rapper not just, you know, "Dodododo-dododo, cool. Yeah you can do that. You're flip is great, cool, but can you make a song?" He thinks his likely second single, which samples Journey, is going to be hot. ("That Journey shit is hot! Fuck!") Dude, no shit. K-Fed sampling Journey could be nothing but, uh, fire.

On his album you'll hear fucking club hits and booty shakers, and you'll also hear a little bit about his life before becoming a celebirty and how he feels about the "fucking media talking about shit they know nothing about."

Kevin Federline further demonstrated he knows nothing about rap music by stating one of his favorite albums of last year was the Black Eyed Peas' album. Fucking Fergie watered down BEP was one of this motherfucker's favorite albums of the year. He ended the interview by calling himself "the fucking rookie all star of the year."

Ok, so if you don't want to listen to these clips by now, I just don't know what else I can do to convince you. Kevin Federline thinks he is hottest shit since sliced bread and he fully believes in his musical talent - no his musical genius, despite the fact that every single review of his first single was not only bad, but mocking. I guess he thinks that's just the haters.

Anyway, I can't, for the life of me, figure out why he'd agree to do an interview with, of all magazines, Fader, which obviously would have no problem using the interview for the sole purpose of publicly ridiculing him. I don't understand it, but I accept it.

[Fader Blog]

Monday, January 30, 2006

How was the money spent?

Did you ever wonder how Kevin Federline managed to spend $1,000,000 to make his debut album? Did you ever wonder how Britney Spears felt about bankrolling his musical hobby? The National Enquirer has your answer. Britney is reportedly furious that Kevin has spent all this money, but what I don't get is why she keeps letting him spend it. She's reportedly even spent $400,000 to build him a recording studio in their mansion. Here is a rundown on how K-Fed spent the rest:

$40,000 a piece to have producers come in and help him out
$5,000 a day for a musician
$4,00 for the beats on his tracks
$10,000 personal hair stylist
$4 soap

As you can see, all this shit adds up, but since Sean Preston will obviously never go to college, they had to spend that money somewhere.

[Post Chronicle]

Friday, January 27, 2006

"I'm K-Fed. I don't want to be known as Mr. Britney Spears"

Although Kevin Federline is still shopping for a record label (and by shopping I mean looking for any record label willing to take him), he isn't so hard pressed that he needs to accept an offer from Jive Records, his wife's record label. A friend of the couple told The National Enquirer that Kevin turned down Jive's offer to take him on as a new artist and promote his first album.

Kevin believes he knows what's best for this music career and that he can make it without any help from Britney (except that $1 million she gave him to record the album). The source said, "He's being so stubborn about the record deal, it infuriates Britney. Rather than take his wife's experience into consideration in making his decisions, Kevin resents her interference in his 'thing.' His arrogance and ego are getting the better of him."

What does Britney Spears know about making a successful music career out of limited musical talent, anyway?

[Post Chronicle]

Thursday, January 26, 2006

What's up bitches!

This is my new blog dedicated to Kevin Federline and his rise to rap super-stardom. This blog originates from the excessive attention I paid to Kevin Federline on my other blog. (No, I don't have a life, so stop asking.) Anyway, I will update whenever Kevin Federline does something awesome. I'll start off with a recap of the past few days in Kevin Federline:

First, we learned that his allowance is just burning a hole in his pocket and he needed a place to spend it without any chance that it would make him a profit someday, so he is planning to open a Las Vegas casino. Smart!

Then he went to the ATM.

After that, he took a stand against all the haters and shut them the fuck up by assuring us that we will "feel" his music. Can you feel it? Feel it, feel it? Feel the vibration? (Sorry.)

You'd think this sonofabitch would be tired after all that, but you can't stop him! He invited America into his recording studio so we could see just how much he loves his music. (Duh. That shit is fire! It makes me want to dance with my hands!)

Unfortunately, while he was at the recording studio working really, really hard, Britney fucked his Ferrari up. She's seriously holding that family back.

So, you can hate and mock and ridicule Kevin Federline as much as you want, but he won't let that deter him from his goal - rap super-stardom. And he's going to keep it classy all the way.